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Technical maintenance WordPress websites

No worries about security, updates and other technical matters!

Nowadays, a website is indispensable for entrepreneurs. For many potential customers, this is the first way of contacting your company. It is therefore ‘killing’ when the website has problems because it is not up-to-date or isn’t even reachable. Banyan is happy to help you with the technical maintenance of your WordPress website.

Updating WordPress is essential

WordPress is an open source CMS. This means that developers from all over the world are working day in day out with new updates for the system, for example in the field of security. It is of course good that your WordPress website is always up-to-date.

Upon delivery of your online project, we provide all the information needed to maintain a WordPress website. Yet our experience is that our customers like that we take care of the technical maintenance of the website. We keep your WordPress websites up-to-date from €30 (excluding VAT) per month.

Technical maintenance BanyanWhen you have Banyan perform the technical maintenance of the website, you can expect the following:

  • Weekly check of the website or webshop, for technical correctness and security of the WordPress environment
  • Creating a backup so that valuable information cannot be lost
  • Realisation of updates for WordPress
  • Realisation of updates for the plugins used on the website
  • Check after updates

What do you have to do?

When you use us for the technical maintenance of your WordPress website, the answer is very simple: Nothing! We provide the technology behind your WordPress website so that you can focus on your own work.

How much does it cost?

We offer technical maintenance from €30 (excluding VAT). This is an indication for the simpler websites. The costs depend on the number of plugins used and the theme used. We are happy to look at your company’s website. Contact us for a free quote.

Technisch Maintenance


First of all, we look at the WordPress installation of your company’s website without obligation. Do we carry out the maintenance? Then you don’t have to worry about the technology, we do that. Do we notice things, for example to make the website even better, during technical maintenance? Then you can expect a message from us.

More information about technical maintenance?

Call us on +31 6 460 131 00 or submit the form below:

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