Is your goal to take your online vision to market, but don’t you have an online specialist working at your company? No worries. As a web builder Banyan can help you to develop and professionalize your companies WordPress website. We can help you from strategy and concept to completion. I doing so we create a mobile-friendly tailor-made website and hel you with the technical maintenance of the WordPress CMS. Through years of experience we will provide you with advice on how to anticipate to design, technical and content trends.
Get in touch with Banyan Communications.
A website is more than selecting a modern design. To make sure the website matches your companies needs we kickoff with an online strategy before getting started with the WordPress. Firstly we closely look at the targetgroup and KPI’s. With this information in mind we create a blueprint for the new website. This way you know exactly how your website is going to look, but most importantly it helps to develop a design that’s as intuitive as possible.
Website visitors decide within three seconds if your website is relevant to them. If you haven’t generated nterest in 15 seconds, then you probably aren’t going to. That’s why it is important that the visitors of your WordPress can easily navitage and succeed in their main tasks. Banyan helps you to get that positive first impression.
With branding and a logical UX design we make sure that your (potential) customer knows their way around and recognizes your brand immediately.
To rank high in Google a mobile friendly WordPress (suitable for mobile, tablet and desktop) is very important. You don’t want your website to not scale right? Banyan helps you to develop a responsive website.
Because we highly value a safe, functional and up to speed website. We keep up with the latest techniques and developments. Do you have a specific question about the development of your WordPress CMS? Let us know! We are happy to help you.
WordPress is a very convenient open source system that many companies use. The main reason to choose for a WordPress CMS is the system that is always up-to-date and the very accessible content management system.
It allows you to add text, photos and video’s yourselve. Also it is possible to add applications that will improve the quality of your website. Banyan helps you to develop a website that meets your needs 100%.
Your business goals are our first priority. That’s why we like to get to know you and your company before we start developing a WordPress website. Send us an mail or give us a call at +31 6 460 131 00 to to get acquainted. During the introductory meeting we will tell you more about the possibilites of WordPress that suit your online ambitions.