Development of online platform for the citizens of Bloemendaal



Active & involved

Online platform for citizen participation

The BloemendaalSamen online platform, where the citizens of the municipal of Bloemendaal come to place and view activities, was in need of a make-over. The idea was to bring the outlook (design) as well as the inner-works (technique) to a higher level. Some of the catchwords that were brought to the table: accessibility, usability, connection, attraction, technique and WordPress. Together, with a team of specialist, the municipal of Bloemendaal and the involved committees, we got to work.

Citizens feel welcome

The concept was clear: this will be the go-to platform for the citizens of the municipal of Bloemendaal. Citizens, clubs and organisations can create and place activities. The platform will show the visitor all nearby activities. Furthermore, they can apply for financial aid for organising their activities.

Usability is the key for the platform. The visitor of the platform is be able to create an account and place activities, with a few easy clicks. The activities are displayed in on orderly fashion; it’s always clear for the citizens what activities they can join!

Redevelopment of the platform

New techniques and standards on the web offer a wide variety of opportunities for the platform.  During the concept-phase of the project, input from all sides was collected: how can we make sure the platform servers the citizens of Bloemendaal as best as possible?

While developing the platform, a meeting with citizens, organisations and local clubs was held, with the purpose of testing the new website. The data accumulated during the tests was used for further development.

Interaction with the platform

The tests and improvements didn’t stop after going live. By making sure all involved parties are on top of the platform, together we keep working on the question: how can we make sure the citizens of Bloemendaal keep enjoying the benefits of BloemendaalSamen.

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